Elena Agafonova. Coach. Author.
Many people are stuck because they don't know what they want. In the career, relationship, and life in general. I can help you understand what you really want to achieve, move from 'I wish I could' to active actions, and change your life for the better.
In a few words
    I am a professional coach. For more than 12 years I have been working with people who were keen to change their careers and start from scratch. My personal experience of radical career changes — from a foreign language teacher to a top manager in business travel, from an entrepreneur in consultancy to MBA lecturer and writer — has been multiplied by individual support for thousands of mentees. All my projects, books and online courses are born from practice and have been successfully tested plenty of times. For more details please check my Linkedin profile.
    — I provide individual coaching advice
    — Lead group programmes and retreats
    — Publish online courses
    — Write books and articles
    — Create a podcast
    Skill Highlights
    • Love to inspire and motivate people.
    • Easily explain complex issues and help find a quick way out of a "dead end": career, relationships, business.
    • Share positive energy and help to feel self-confidence.
    • Assist to realize true reasons for procrastination, disappointment or burnout.
    • Develop the ability to see new perspectives and resources.
    • Teach coaching approach in life and business and basic public speaking skills.
    Voice of my mentees
    My resources
    for your personal work
    so far in Russian only, but you can easily translate most of my texts online thanks to the Google Translate extension by Chrome.
    My suggestions
    for our interactions (please use Google Translate for programs' descriptions)
    • 1:1 Coaching Send me your question and we will meet for a free orientation session.
    • Retreats For mini groups and individuals. An example of a past program.
    • "The Nature of Change" Online program of practices for the happiness of mind, soul, and body. For groups and individuals.
    • "Your Pathway to Happiness" A journey to a more conscious and happier life through daily practices those effectiveness has been scientifically proven.
    Freaquently Asked Questions
    *You can also download the TaskHuman app and book a 1:1 call with me there.
    I work with people and their organizations all over the world.
    Phone (WhatsApp): +7 903 272 24 33
    Telegram: @NewMe_Coach
    E-mail: eagafonowa@gmail.com
    Skype: elena-agafonova
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